(v0.95.21) PProject’s Minigames that works fine on Parsec
This is based on v0.95.21, and will be come outdated, as i plan to make a diffent list then the next updates with minigames comes up.
Based on Log’s list.
The ones that survived (so you can play) are:
Free for All (4 Player Minigame)
- Cloud Climb (depends on where you live)
- Coincentration
- Crank to Rank (depends on where you live)
- Doors of Doom
- Frame Perfect (depends on where you live)
- Memory Tiles (depends on where you live)
- Mr. Blizzard Brigade
- Order Up! (depends on where you live)
- Pipe Maze
- Puzzle Party
- Recipe Recall
- Root Rush
- Think Ahead
- Token Drop
- Fruit Forecast (depends on where you live)
- Laser Focus (depend on where you live)
- Maniac Mallets
- Pump, Pump and Away (depends where you live)
- Ridiculous Relay (depends on where you live)
- Speed Hockey
- Balloon Blast Bash
- Bowser's Big Blast
- Chain Chomp Fever (depends on where you live; Log says: ‘I still think it's not that one-sided for the host’)
- Face Flip
- Triple Jump
- Bunny Belt (depends on where you live)
- Button Mashers
- Chainsaw
- Head Waiter
- Load, Shoot, Shield
- Pair-a-Gone
- VS Puzzle Party
Survival (Party Project’s Bowser Minigames)
- Balloon of Doom
- Fruit Factory (depends on where you live)